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Consent Family Law Civil Bill

Consent Family Law Civil Bill

The Family Law Civil Bill is the main Court document required to begin your Divorce / Judicial Separation proceedings.


 If you are applying for a Divorce or Judicial Separation and you have both come to an agreement in relation to ALL applicable matters ie. Property, Access, Custody, Maintenance, Pensions etc then the whole process can be relatively easy.


You will still have to lodge the same paper work as a fully contested case, Family Law Civil Bill, Affidavit of Means and Affidavit of Welfare if there are children. The difference with a consent case is that the Family law Civil Bill only has to include the mandatory elements required by the Court. You do not have to go into the details of why the relationship broke down or other details that may antagonise the other party but would be necessary if you are not in agreement. 


Once you place your order you will be sent a questionnaire to complete that will provide the information required to prepare your Family Law Civil Bill. We will contact you if there are any questions or clarifications needed. When the draft document is ready it will be sent to you to review. Only when you are completely satisfied with the document and we are happy that it meets the requirements of the Court, it will be emailed to you with full instructions. **Please see important notes below**


    You will require an original Marriage Certificate for your application (a church certificate is not acceptable)

    While the Family Law Civil Bill is the most important document you will be required to submit an Affidavit of Means with your application and an Affidavit of Welfare if there are dependent children.

    If there are any Court Orders in place ie. Maintenance, Access or Safety / Protection you will need to provide copies of these to be included in your Family Law Civil Bill. These will be exhibited in the document and the exhibit page will need to be signed by you and witnessed by a Solicitor / Commissioner of Oaths.

    A Consent / Agreed case is only where there is agreement on everything. If you agree on 9 out of 10 things then it cannot be a Consent / Agreed case.


    You will be sent an invitation to complete a questionnaire. Due to the sensitive and personal nature of the information required, in order to access the questionnare and submit your information securely you will be required to 'log in' to the Jotform platform using your email address. 

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