Original Marriage Certificate
An original Marriage Certificate* is essential for certain Family Law applications including Judicial Separation and Divorce**. Plus it is always handy to have an original Marriage Certificate kept safe.
*Only a state issued Marriage Certificate is accepted by the Courts. A church issued certificate is not acceptable.
**Please note that processing time for issuing of a Marriage Certificate is usually 1 week put can be up to 4 weeks. Hugh Condron hughcondron hugh condron
Hugh Condron hughcondron HughCondron hugh condron
Unregistered / Unfound Marriages
In the event that a marriage has not been registered or a registered marriage can not be found using the details you provide you will be notified and a refund given.
***SELECT FREE DIGITAL DELIVERY AT CHECKOUT*** This is to ensure you are not charged additionally for postage of your Marriage Certificate. If you do not do this you will be charged for postage.